Tuesday, December 13, 2011

On Monday, July 18, 2011

I finally had my first OB appointment.  By this point I was 6 weeks and terrified that we wouldn't see a heartbeat.  I prayed and prayed that this would be a viable pregnancy, and my prayers were answered.

We saw our little bean for the first time!

This week I also threw up for the first time.  Lovely, I know!  I'm pretty sure it was because of my new prescription prenatals though.  I took a vitamin before starting lunch and 5 minutes into eating udon at my desk, that overwhelming wave came over me and of to the bathroom I went.  Blargh!

Over the next couple weeks I got sick maybe 4 or 5 times, all around taking my prenatal vitamin.  I tried taking it first thing in the morning, before a meal.  Bad idea!  While walking Monty I had to duck beside a fire hydrant and wretch.  I tried taking it with meals.  Even worse!  So finally I discovered that if I took it at night right before I went to bed, I could survive without booting.  

I spent these weeks pretty much horizontal.  Not even sitting on the couch like I normally do, watching TV.  I had to be horizontal!  As soon as I came home from work, I'd get into my pjs and crawl into bed and just lay there or read one of my many books:  Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way, Ina May Gaskin's Guide to Childbirth, Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy, Hypnobirthing: The Mongan Method.

One night I felt too nauseous to cook dinner so V decided he'd cook (rare occasion).  He made steak and onions and some other stuff but I was DYING.  It smelled so horrible and I just wanted to cry.  I shut the bedroom door, stuck my nose into a lemon wedge, and prayed for the feeling to go away.  My poor husband.  He just wanted to do something nice and I couldn't even smell (let alone stomach!) his food.  I think that night, like many nights during this time, I ate a piece of fruit and some yogurt.

Ah, the joys of morning sickness!

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