Thursday, December 15, 2011

Do our pets know...

That they're about to be displaced?

That sounds awful.  And I feel awful about it, but the reality is that when the baby comes, he's gonna take Monty's place on my lap.  Priority #1.

Truth be told, right now, Monty is our baby.  Part tyrant, part munchkin.  And my lap is his little throne.  He loves to curl up and doze or sit there with his tiny paws on my belly, and if I'm not touching him, he smooshes his little face under my hand to make sure I've got a hand on him -- with no regard to what I'm busy doing.  I could be playing Words With Friends on my phone, typing on the laptop, eating...doesn't matter.  If he wants my hand on his head, he'll get it there.  He insists!  And he usually gets what he wants.
Taking a little snooze

 I'm not the only one at fault here.  Exhibit A:
So I have to wonder, does Monty know he has a little brother on the way?  I think big dogs know, and when the baby comes, they are usually very protective of them.  They don't get jealous the way small dogs do from what I hear.

Monty's kind of a peabrain though.  It's not his fault.  His head is literally tiny, so his brain was never able to grow very large! 
With covered ears, he looks like a meerkat!
How have your pets handled the addition of baby? 


  1. Awwww. That pic of Monty sleeping on you is SO adorbs! I swear when Shumai falls asleep on my chest and nuzzles her head under my chin like a baby (which doesn't happen that often), a little part of me dies inside from the cuteness. Every time.

    I'm sure Monty will love Baby Bokser! But just in case, you'd better spoil him with a lot of treats. Monty may or may not have paid me to write that just now. :)

  2. I wouldn't put it past him! He is very very sneaky! :-)

  3. well, you know about our dog. but, the best dog with kids! you just never know. give little mont his snuggle time, which will be easy because he's so small, and he'll be just fine. babies LOVE dogs, so your little guy will adore monty and he'll likely be the first thing he giggles at in the morning.
