Friday, December 16, 2011

Chasing sleep

I'm a zombie today.

V got home yesterday at 4 am after a 16-hour gig, and although he wasn't terribly loud, I ended up waking up and pretty much staying up.

I used to be a champion sleeper.  I've slept through natural disasters - tornadoes, hurricanes, thunderstorms - you name it!  When I was little, my mom wasn't one of those moms that kept me on a real schedule so when I got tired, I'd just take random naps wherever I was.  Sometimes, she'd find me under the dining room table.

But I think last night might be a foreshadowing of how my nights are going to be for the rest of this pregnancy.  (And I'm sure after the baby's born I'll be pining for nights like that!)  Anyway, I'm getting a little bit achy, and yesterday I think I had my first Braxton Hicks contraction, so that kind of freaked me out.  But most of all, the bubs would NOT stop tumbling around in there! It's like he's rehearsing for his "So You Think You Can Dance" audition.

Which brings me to two of my favorite routines from that show.

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