Sunday, February 19, 2012

My pelvis is good! - 37 weeks

Full Term!!!

I've had only one reservation about childbirth, and that is the fear of c-section because I don't have what you call "birthing hips."

Seriously. My body from the front is so funny looking right now. They say your hips spread when you're pregnant, but mine dont look like they have at all. I literally just look like I stuffed a ball under my shirt and my hips are narrower than said ball so it's a little wonky.

But at my 37 week check up yesterday, my midwife did a pelvic and internal exam and the first thing she said was, "You have a good pelvis."

I was so shocked, and pleasantly surprised! She assured me that I shouldn't have any issues delivering vaginally - at least not due to a narrow pelvis. This is THE best news I could have gotten. But it gets even better!

I'm dilated 1-2 cm. Baby's head is engaged at -1 to 0 station so he's gotten in position. And my cervix is effaced 50%, meaning it's softened and thinned out about halfway.

We are well on our way!

Also, I was a little concerned at my last appointment that I was measuring kind of small, but my bump grew 4.5 cm in the last 3 weeks, so it's all good. :-)

The ridiculous part is that after an incredibly slow Jan and Feb, V all of a sudden has a bunch of gigs lined up - and we really need them. So hopefully Tyrone won't decide to make his appearance this week bc V will likely be in FL. Yikes!

Hang in there lil one!

1 comment:

  1. Yay, congrats, honey! I can't believe Baby Tyrone is almost exciting!
