Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Bump Watch - 37 weeks

Jeez, I am so humungous.  Although it's strange, you can't see much of a difference in these pictures,  but apparently the bump did grow 4.5 cm from 34 to 37 weeks so it's definitely bigger.  I'm also getting many more comments lately about how I look ready to pop or how I must be due soon.  Honestly, my back is breaking.  This part of pregnancy is pretty shitty.

V and I went to dinner on Friday night and as we were putting our coats on getting ready to leave, the maitre'd looks at my belly and goes, "Soon we're gonna have to get a bigger table!"

I know, SO RUDE.  But I wasn't offended because he was so tiny and cute and old and had an Italian accent.  Really old school. 

After dinner, we went to this party at an Irish pub in midtown to celebrate the screening of one of his short films, and we played a game of pool.  I must have looked so ridiculous.  A bowling ball balancing on the edge of the pool table, cue behind me, trying to be smooth and accurate with my shooting.  Riiiight.

Anyway, these pictures make it look like it's gotten higher, not lower though... eh, who knows!?

I thought I might be in labor this morning.  For the past few days, I've been feeling period-like cramps and braxton hicks at the same time, on and off.  And during the night last night I could feel tons of braxton hicks, and then this morning, I had the menstrual cramping thing with a super tight belly for like, maybe 2 minutes.  All I could think was CRAP!  But Vitaly's leaving for Florida today!

Anyway, they stopped, and now I'm just sitting at work trying to drink lots of water and not walk around more than I need to. 

So, the days I can NOT have a baby: 
-February 21-23
-March 1-4
-March 12

Otherwise, I'm good to go!


  1. OK...I think humongous is relative...because you still look TEENY compared to most of my preggers friends! Pregnant, yes....humongous, no! You started out so teeny, so I guess it's only fair. Sorry for the backpain and cramps...that sounds stinky. But I'm sure Baby B will be obedient and stay inside a bit longer! :)

    1. Hah, Karen...I know you don't believe me, but I am seriously big! And I swear, everyday it gets bigger and bigger. Even my MIL, who always says I'm small, has started to comment on how big I've gotten. LOL.
