Monday, February 13, 2012

36 weeks - 9 months

For those of you who aren't counting, I'm officially 9 months pregnant!    Counting is all I do these days.

We got the crib up over the weekend and it really hit me that there will be an actual baby sleeping there - maybe even within the next 2 weeks (if I'm lucky).  It became very, very real.  But I didn't bug out, like I thought I would.  I just kind of stared at it and it made me really excited!

But I also realized that I've been reading so much on pregnancy and childbirth, I haven't actually read anything about having a real, live newborn to take care of.  Is it all intuitive?  Will I know know what to do by instinct?  I know I'm supposed to feed him every 2-3 hours, and change him when he's wet or poopy, and burp him after he eats, but beyond that, what am I supposed to know?

My mom and dad are going to try to come and stay with us for a few weeks after the baby is born, and I was kind of annoyed by that before because it's going to be a FULL house in a wee little house, but now I'm really glad.  I think I'm going to want my mommy.

Late third trimester is every annoyance it's cracked up to be.  Starting around 34 weeks all the discomfort started kicking in along with the daily feeling that I am so.over.this.  Sciatica, back pain, loose joints.  However, if it weren't for this chronic cough, I'd still be sleeping ok, so at least I can still hold on to that for now.

Whatever, I'm fed up.

In the words of my husband, "Give me my baby already!"

1 comment:

  1. Come onnnnn, Baby Bokser! Come on out! Hang in there, are definitely in the home stretch! Can't wait! :)
