UGH. This search for a pediatrician is killing me. It's not just that, but figuring out insurance for the bubs and then finding a pediatrician who will take that insurance...this is so annoying.
Did you know...
Insurance only covers the newborn for the amount of time they are in the hospital, which is based on whether they've delivered vaginally or via c-sec. So for vaginal, they're covered for 48 hours, and for c-sec, they're covered for 96 hours.
So basically you're forced to add them to your own insurance, which for me, is a very pretty penny. For most people this isn't an issue if they have a nice cushy corporate job, but I'm considering state insurance. So, if I want to switch them to, say, NJ Family Care which is only $144 a month, then I have to cancel one insurance and switch them to the other, which is a huge ordeal because Family Care will likely reject my application if the newborn currently has insurance. AND coverage doesn't happen immediately. Depends on whether or not you apply before the 15th or after. AND you can't apply before the baby is born...they need to have a birth certificate.
So the other thing is that I really want to use Tribeca Pediatrics because they've just opened a branch in Jersey City, and it's a reputable practice with a bunch of Manhattan locations. But they don't take NJ Family Care. Hoboken Pediatrics does take that insurance,'s where I get really silly...the two doctors who run that practice are kind of scary looking. So, they're Polish, which I honestly don't mind at all, but they look Two burly male doctors. They could totally pass for V's uncles - lol! I know I shouldn't think this way, but you know how you just get a good feeling from some people and a not-so-good feeling from others just by looking at their faces? UM...YEAH.
Hmm... should I delete that last paragraph?
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