We had our first anatomy scan and found out....
We're having a BOY!
Look at his little bits! Or rather, very large bits!
This ultrasound was so fun. We could see all sorts of stuff. The bubs was moving a ton and they checked out his limbs and fingers and toes, made sure his facial bones had fused properly, checked for all his organs. The only thing was that because of the position he was in, they couldn't see his heart very well, so we were told to come back in a month, at 20 weeks.
We even got to see the little guy on the 3D ultrasound machine.
He totally has his father's body here. Tiny little twigs for legs and a substantial mid-section. Hee hee.
Toward the end of this week, I also felt the bubs move for the first time. I couldn't believe it! They say that usually you won't feel anything until around 18 weeks, but I definitely felt the little flutters at the end of the 16th week, which watching TV in the evening. He hasn't stopped moving since!
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